DEMONGROUND: The Hidden Haunt



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3 Reviews on “DEMONGROUND: The Hidden Haunt”

Must see!
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  • This is truly a great hidden haunt that you should visit. First off, it is a family friendly haunt with 2 main areas: A pumpkin patch area and a cemetery area. The detail and workmanship here is amazing. First the pumpkin patch, It looks like you are in a pumpkin patch or field with pumpkins, includes a small wooden fence, pumpkins, hay and cornstalks. It has many moving parts to it and looks great. Now, the cemetery. I can say this is not an over the top crazy packed display. What it is though is handmade, custom made, detailed props that not only look amazing, but move in amazing ways. The cemetery is filled with many skeletons and ghosts that are all custom and honestly are some of the best I’ve ever seen in all my years. I can say one of their newest props, the standing skeleton that moves side to side, reverses directions, has many different movements and that has eyes that change color is a movie quality prop. Seriously the best I’ve seen! There are other parts of the haunt like a flying grim reaper and vortex tunnel video screen that are very cool and unique too. If you love seeing quality, art, detail, creativity in Halloween props, this is the place to visit. I could have spent hours there looking at the detail and prop movements. This is a must see if you love seeing what a true haunt builder can do!

  • This is movie quality! So calm, yet Erie! Amazing precision with the movement of props, some with multiple motors. They move so quietly and smoothly. Unique props!
    So hard to say something is the best, because I’ve seen so many that deserve that description…
    But this? It’s is on a level of its own! Kudos! Just pure perfection!
    A scary place I didn’t want to leave…
    I will be back!

  • Put this on your Must-see list! A host of scary animated skeletons haunt a grisly pumpkin patch! Very well done. One of our favorites.

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